Substituting Petro-sourced with Bio-based Polymers: What Are the Requirements?

As by-products of petrochemicals, synthetic polymers consume a huge amount of oil each year: 44 million tons in Europe alone! In response to the climate emergency, the plastics industry is now seeking to reduce its dependence on oil. To achieve this, it can rely on recycling but also on the use of bio-based materials.

Moreover, some of these solutions are also biodegradable, which enables carbon circularity!


Petro-based and bio-based plastics: Similar technical requirements


The environmental impact of plastic is undeniable. However, living in a world without plastic is not only utopian but also undesirable, as these materials possess unmatched properties in terms of technical performance, processability, and cost.

While it may not be possible to eliminate plastic, it is entirely feasible to significantly reduce its environmental impact by substituting petroleum-based plastic with bio-based materials and incorporating 100% biodegradable substances.

The replacement of petro-based plastics with bio-based alternatives is now a reality. Because they have similar properties (mechanical, chemical, etc.), these materials are gradually finding their place in the industry.

Here are some examples:


Traditional plastic Possible substitute Application
PET BioPET Water bottles
PE BioPE Shampoo bottles, garbage bags
TPE BioTPE Shoes, watches bracelets, sports equipement
PA BioPA Technical polymers



Truly biodegradable bio-based products are entering the market!

The previous list is not exhaustive, and many other bio-based solutions are under development.

But in addition to being bio-based, some are also biodegradable!

This is the case with CareTips®, the solution from Lactips that is already on the market!


Identical processing methods

Bio-based materials are fully compatible with traditional plastic processing techniques (injection molding, blow molding, thermoforming, etc.).

For bio-based materials that are chemically equivalent to traditional plastics (see the previous table), the processing recommendations are therefore identical, with only a few minor adjustments.


Bioplastics: overall environmental performance

In terms of CO2 emissions, bio-based plastics have a lower carbon footprint compared to petro-based plastics. But beyond CO2 emissions, other environmental impact indicators should also be considered!

End-of-life considerations

From a circular economy and end-of-life perspective, the use of bio-based plastics allows for a true “closed-loop” system, thanks to mechanical recycling as well as chemical recycling.

Moreover, if these bio-based plastics are also biodegradable, another form of recovery becomes possible: organic recycling.

The recovery of organic material, in the form of high-quality compost, then becomes feasible through composting or methanization.


Substituting petro-based plastics: A challenge!

New bioplastics: undeniable industrialization potential

Bio-based and biodegradable materials can be processed using the same methods. However, for the most innovative materials, whose chemistry differs and which have a narrower processing window (in terms of temperature), some R&D work may be necessary to achieve truly optimized results.

Once this step is completed, production poses no issues.

Production rates similar to traditional materials can then be achieved!


Biodegradable plastics are not always 100% biodegradable

In reality, biodegradable plastics require specific conditions to break down, and many factors come into play (temperature, humidity, thickness, presence of bacteria, etc.).

Some plastics labeled as biodegradable can therefore take a long time to decompose!

However, there is a solution to boost the biodegradability of these materials: incorporating a fraction of CareTips®, our 100% bio-based and biodegradable natural polymer, into various environments.

Unlike other biodegradability boosters, CareTips® is versatile: it is compatible with PLA, PBS, and many other materials!

Additionally, since CareTips® is made from casein, it naturally produces methane as it degrades. This makes it a methanization booster, a benefit that sets it apart from other bioplastics in the context of French regulations on organic waste collection!


Do you want to boost the biodegradability of your plastic products?


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Are bio-based materials rare?

Industrials using bio-based materials often encounter supply difficulties. Does this mean that bio-based materials are rare?

In this article, we will see that this is not the case. On the contrary, biomass is a considerable source of carbon that expands the application fields of bio-based materials!


Bio-based materials, what are we talking about?

According to the NF EN 16575 standard, a bio-based material is:

  • Wholly or partly derived from biomass
  • Of both animal and plant origin
  • Typically derived from agricultural or forestry co-products


    Biomass : a broad definition

The sources of bio-based material are numerous because the concept of biomass encompasses “the mass constituted by all living beings present on the planet.”

Therefore, while current bio-based materials are mostly of agricultural or forestry origin, any source of carbon of biological origin can be used in the production of bio-based materials: algae, organic waste, etc.


Partially bio-based products

To be considered bio-based, a material may be partially composed of biomass-derived matter.

The bio-based portion varies depending on the products!

The “Bio-based Product” label has thus been created to certify materials that incorporate a significant proportion of bio-based content. Minimum thresholds are set by material families.

To determine the amount of renewable carbon contained in a material, a carbon 14 dating method is used (according to ASTM D6866, ISO 16620 standards, etc.).


The scarcity of bio-based materials is a myth!

According to a study1, the total biomass on Earth is estimated at 550 gigatonnes (GT) of carbon (GT C), with 450 GT C coming from plants alone.

But plants are not the only sources of biological carbon!

Indeed, microorganisms are also a very important source. Here is the distribution in GT of carbon:

  • Bacteria: 70
  • Fungi: 12
  • Archaea (archaebacteria): 7
  • Protists: 4

Finally, the animal kingdom should not be forgotten either, as it represents 2 GT C, mostly distributed among arthropods (1.2) and fish (0.7).

The biomass of the oceans2 only accounts for 1% of the total biomass. This is a surprising figure considering that the oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s surface!

If biomass is ubiquitous, then where does this apparent “scarcity” of bio-based materials come from, especially concerning bioplastics?


The issue of commercial availability of bio-based materials

As detailed in another article, bio-based materials mainly suffer from a lack of commercial availability.

This situation is quite normal, as for the industry, these materials are relatively new. The bio-based sector is still young, and production capacities are not always in line with demands (BioPE, BPS, PHA, PLA, etc.).

The advantage of biomass is its availability since it is found all around us, unlike oil, whose reserves are unevenly distributed on Earth. To exploit biomass, it is therefore sufficient to search for relevant reserves and try to cultivate them!

This innovative approach, which is beginning to take root in minds, is the one undertaken by Lactips.

Finally, working with bio-based materials also means improving the economic resilience of one’s territory!


A situation that will improve

The biopolymers industry is currently undergoing structuring, and production capacities are expected to triple within the next 5 years.

According to a study conducted by European Bioplastics3, in 2023 the bioplastics industry was operating at full capacity, indicating strong demand.

To meet this demand, “the global production capacity of bioplastics is expected to increase significantly, from approximately 2.18 million tonnes in 2023 to around 7.43 million tonnes in 2028.”


Multiple deposits of bio-based materials

Various sources of biomass can be exploited to create bio-based materials. Here are some examples.

Food-origin biomass:

  • Vegetables oils – soybean, palm, sunflower…
  • Starch – corn, potato…
  • Glucose – sugarcane, beet…

Non food-origin biomass:

  • Lignocellulosic Biomass – Wood, wood co-products, agricultural waste…
  • Non-Food Vegetable Oils – castor oil and waste from oil production…

Non-Food-Origin, Soilless Cultivable Biomass:

  • Sugars
  • Oils produced by microorganisms
  • Municipal waste

Moreover, this list is far from exhaustive, as new materials will continue to enter the market, thanks to innovation and the multiple deposits of exploitable biomass!

Examples of innovation

  • LACTIPS: natural material based on proteins
  • Chitosan4: polymer based on chitin from shellfish
  • Agarose5: polymer derived from agar-agar, hence from marine algae


The numerous industrial applications of bio-based materials

Regulatory developments (AGEC, EGALIM) have promoted the development of bio-based materials and their use in the food packaging sector in particular.

  • BioPET: bio-based PET bottle packaging
  • BioPE: shampoo bottles, garbage bags
  • PBS/PBSA/PBAT: flexible packaging
  • Etc.

But the packaging sector is not the only one interested, and industrial applications are multiplying or under study.

  • PHA: cutlery, toys, consumer products
  • BioTPE: shoes, watch straps, sports articles
  • BioPA – PA116: high-performance industrial parts (aerospace, automotive, medical, etc.)



Bio-based materials are not strictly rare in the literal sense; however, their availability is often problematic.

Fortunately, the situation is evolving in the right direction because the bio-based materials sector is undergoing significant development, and industrial opportunities are only going to increase!


Do you want to boost the biodegradability of your plastic products?


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PFAs, a regulatory overview

Controversial for several years now, PFAS are a group of artificial chemical substances manufactured and used in various industries worldwide.

The OECD defines them as “fluorinated substances containing at least one fully fluorinated methyl or methylene carbon atom (without attached H/Cl/Br/I atom), meaning that with few exceptions, any chemical substance containing at least one perfluoroalkyl methyl group (-CF3) or perfluoroalkyl methylene group (-CF2-) is a PFAS.” This carbon-fluorine bond, being extremely stable, makes them degrade very slowly. Hence, PFAS are dubbed as “forever chemicals”.


Current situation overview


Recently, a mapping  has revealed the extent of pollution in Europe. They are found in groundwater (drinking water, agricultural irrigation water), surface waters (lakes, rivers, etc.), soils, eggs, our blood and our hair (found in 94% of the people tested in the study!).

Considering that the revision of the European directive (directive 2020/2184 of 12/16/2020 concerning the quality of WFD, water intended for human consumption) proposes a maximum of 500 ng/L (for all PFAs) in drinking water, and observing the levels in certain areas, particularly in Northern Europe (72 800 000 ng/L found in a groundwater sample in Zwijndrecht, Belgium), it is clear that this is an extremely alarming issue.

RTBF is not exempt from this awareness. A few months ago, a documentary project was initiated to highlight alternative solutions to the use of PFAS in food packaging. In response to the Belgian national channel’s request, Lactips stepped forward.


Legislative Developments


In France, a bill aims to ban PFAS in cosmetics, clothing textiles, and ski waxes, then in all textiles by 2030. It was passed in the first reading in the National Assembly on April 5th. Many still regret the lack of ambition because not all products are targeted.

As a reminder, in 2022, a bill aimed to ban the addition of polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances in food packaging and containers, kitchen utensils, technological auxiliaries, toys, childcare articles, baby diapers, and intimate hygiene protection products as of 2025.

Furthermore, five European countries (Norway, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden) have proposed a complete ban on all types of PFAs.

At the EU level, for now, the ban would cover PFAS in food contact materials (PPWR) by 2026.


In the US, there are also movements: On February 28th, the FDA announced that PFAS used in grease-resistant agents for food packaging are no longer sold in the United States.


Solutions exist


To address this urgent health and environmental issue while aligning with future regulations, LACTIPS has been working for 10 years to combat microplastic pollution. It now offers a concrete solution to the PFAS issue in the paper food packaging sector through the development of a coating that substitutes for the use of PFAS.

PFAS, long favored by industries for their excellent technical properties, no longer fit the current context due to their environmental toxicity and impact on human health.


A similar future for microplastics?



What innovations for affordable biodegradable materials?

The packaging industry is gradually turning towards more sustainable packaging solutions, composed mainly of bio-based and/or biodegradable materials. Although this transition is necessary, finding a balance between environmental and economic aspects is crucial.

In this article, we will address the financial issues that condition the widespread adoption of biodegradable materials.

What are the main biodegradable plastic materials?



This aliphatic polyester is obtained from sugars such as corn starch, beet, or sugarcane.

It is the oldest and best-known biodegradable plastic, compostable in an industrial environment.


This polymer is naturally produced by microorganisms, 100% biodegradable and compostable both domestically and industrially.

PHA is mainly formed by injection molding.


Poly(butylene succinate), or PBS, is also a polyester. While it was long produced from petro-sourced materials, current PBS is generally 50% bio-based and mostly compostable.

PBSA, or polybutylene succinate adipate, is 35% bio-based, very flexible, and biodegradable.


Poly(butylene adipate terephthalate) is a biodegradable polyester copolymer. Highly flexible, it is a very good candidate for replacing PE film packaging.

Other materials and innovations

Other materials exist, including starch-based compounds, cellulose, and BioTPE. Among these partially bio-based materials, some references are also biodegradable.


Biodegradable under what conditions? Industrial compost Home compost Soil Water
BioTPE (TPU, SEBS, etc.) Some references No No No
PLA Yes No No No
PHA Yes Yes Yes Yes
PBS/PBSA Yes Yes Yes No
PBAT/PCL Yes Yes Yes No
Cellulosic Some references Some references Some references Some references
Starch based Yes Yes Yes Some references

Source: Presentation of NaturePlast during the Polyvia Materials Purchasing Day, organized in October 2021.



    The importance of accelerated biodegradation 

Most biodegradable polymers on the market are certified as biodegradable for thin products, around a hundred micrometers thick, and some manufacturers achieve up to a millimeter in standardized tests for home composting, but without certification.

Fortunately, it is possible to accelerate this biodegradation by adding additives (including enzymes and bacteria) or by mixing the material with a biodegradable polymer such as CareTips® resin.


Biodegradable polymers: more expensive than traditional plastics

According to Polyvia, in October 2023, the prices of polyethylene were as follows:

  • LDPE : between 1,55 and 1,65 €/kg 
  • HDPE : between 1,60 and 1,70 €/kg 
  • LLDPE : between 1,75 and 1,90 €/kg 

Comparing these figures with the prices of bioplastics, we can see that:

  • BioPE is at least twice as expensive as HDPE or LDPE
  • The price gap reaches a factor of 5 for biodegradable polymers such as PHA and PBS


Polymer Availability Price range (€/kg) Biodegradable
BioPET Limited offers 2 to 2,5 No
BioPE High demand, tight market 3 to 3,5 No
BioPP Limited capacities 3,5 No
BioPA  Often made to order or high demand 6 to 18 No
BioTPE (TPU, SEBS, etc.) Often made to order 5 to 8 In some cases
PLA High demand, new players entering 3 to 3,5 Yes
PHA Limited capacities 6 to 8 Yes
PBS High demand, tight market 4 to 8 Yes
Cellulosic Good 4 to 6 In some cases
Starch based Good 4 to 5 Yes

Source: Presentation of NaturePlast during the Polyvia Materials Purchasing Day, organized in October 2021.


What are the financial constraints for manufacturers of biodegradable polymers?


  • Cost of raw materials

As mentioned earlier, the high costs of bioplastics do not encourage industrialists to use these materials.

These costs are partly due to the use of more expensive raw materials such as starch, vegetable oils, and cane sugar. However, this situation is expected to evolve thanks to innovation.


  • Cost of adapting production equipment

The production of bioplastics requires different manufacturing processes from those used for traditional plastics, notably involving processes from the biotechnology sector.

Adapting current processes requires investments and thus entails additional costs for industrialists.


How to generalize biodegradable alternatives and increase their profitability?


Economies of scales

This is one of the main levers to reduce the cost of biodegradable materials: accelerating production to achieve economies of scale and increase the availability of these new materials.

The situation is expected to evolve in the right direction: according to European Bioplastics, the annual production capacity of bioplastics, whether bio-based or biodegradable, will be multiplied by 3 by 2027.



Innovation in production

Innovation also plays a significant role in reducing production costs. The emergence of new, simpler, and more environmentally friendly production processes will thus lead to obtaining less expensive materials.

Example: In the “classic” PLA manufacturing process, the lactide used is synthesized via a two-step process that is very expensive and generates a significant amount of waste.

Two Belgians, Michiel Dusselier and Bert Sels, have developed a PLA manufacturing method with a single step, using a catalyst based on synthetic zeolite. This innovative process, which is less energy-intensive and economical in raw materials, could reduce the total production cost of PLA by 30%.


Regulatory developments

The current European regulations tend to favor recycling, which slows down the emergence of biodegradable solutions.

However, the growth of biodegradable polymers seems inevitable, given the projected explosion in global plastic consumption.


Collection bags for biodegradable polymer piowaste: an ADEME approved application

Several European countries have already implemented the collection of biowaste, and France has been part of it since January 1, 2024.

For collection, Italy, which is a leader in this field, has opted for the use of biodegradable plastic bags. In France, ADEME also considers this solution relevant if it “contributes to increasing the quantities of valorized biowaste and does not disrupt waste treatment channels”.



Available biodegradable materials are increasing, and new innovations will continue to emerge in the coming years. However, their adoption by industrialists will depend on their accessibility in terms of both economics and production capacity.

Facing with the risks of scarcity or rising costs, packaging industry professionals will also need to demonstrate resilience, notably by integrating the use of multiple materials into their processes.


Do you want to boost the biodegradability of your plastic products?


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Lactips presents its solution for paper food packaging at the CFIA in Rennes

3 days, 1700 exhibitors, and nearly 22,000 visitors. These are the figures for the 2024 edition of the CFIA in Rennes, which took place from March 12th to 14th. Lactips had the opportunity to participate in this essential event in the agri-food sector, thereby consolidating its status as a pioneer in the world of natural materials, by offering a sustainable solution for plastic-free food packaging.


A changing ecological, health and regulatory context


Indeed, at a time when concerns are growing about PFAS and the dangers they pose, and when recycling packaging is becoming increasingly necessary and demanding, we were able to present our solution, CareTips®, during this edition.

Firstly, let’s recall that PFAS, present in many of our everyday consumer product packaging (such as primary food packaging), are now a major environmental and health concern. Persistent, these dangerous chemicals are found as micro-particles in our bodies and in the environment, with harmful consequences, leading to their prohibition in food packaging as early as 2026.

Our CareTips® pellets, which are coated onto paper packaging to provide sealing functionalities and a barrier against fats and mineral oils, while being natural, plastic and PFAS-free, and 100% water-soluble, are therefore an asset not only to limit the use of PFAS but also during paper recycling. Certified by the stringent recyclability protocols PTS and CEPI, our product ensures the recovery of almost 100% of paper fibers, unlike paper coated with petroleum-derived materials.


A concrete response with a finished product


2024 is also a particularly special year, as it coincides with the 10-year anniversary of Lactips.

And over the course of 10 years, significant progress has been made, both in terms of research and development, and in terms of market expansion and commercial collaborations. This now enables us to proudly present not only our solution but also very tangible applications, such as our flagship collaboration with CGP Coating. This partnership has allowed us to finalize two packaging developments: for la Mère Poulard biscuits and Mademoiselle Desserts’ chocolate cake. The latter, tested with consumers in the bars of TGV Inoui trains at the end of 2023, was a great success thanks to its plastic-free sealed paper packaging. 38% of consumers chose the chocolate cake for its paper packaging, and 46% because it was the only product offered that was not made of plastic.


If you wish to know more about our Plastic Free Paper ™ innovation, please watch the interview of our product innovation manager Benoît Berny for Emballages Magazine.


Shall we say “see you next year”?


On a human level, the CFIA has left a mark on the Lactips teams with increasingly enriching exchanges, which we are certain will lead to beautiful future collaborations. We are extremely proud to be part of the transition towards virtuous food packaging of tomorrow. So, for that too, thank you, and see you at the CFIA in Rennes in 2025! In the meantime, we invite you to watch the filmed interview of Bernard Davroux, business development manager, by Fabrice Peltier!



You missed the event? Don’t worry! You can always contact our teams, who will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with all the technical and market information you need!



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What are the bio-based alternatives to polyolefins ?

To reduce the amounts of petroleum used by the plastic industry, there are several complementary strategies:

  • Elimination of plastic unnecessary for essential needs
  • Lightening of parts and packaging
  • Integration of recycled materials (MPR)
  • Use of bio-based raw materials

Here is an overview of bio-based alternatives to widely consumed materials such as PE and PP.


Bio-based Alternatives to PE and PP

Bio-based and biodegradable biopolymers


The most well-known bio-based and biodegradable polymers are PLA, PHA, and PBS/PBSA.

While PLA and PHA are 100%bio-based, PLA is only compostable under industrial composting conditions, whereas PHA is also :

  • Compatible with home compost
  • Biodegradable in water
  • Biodegradable in soil

PBS is also compostable, at home and in industrial environments, but is not currently entirely bio-based.

Biodegradable under what conditions? Industrial compost Home compost Soil Water
BioTPE (TPU, SEBS, etc.) Some references No No No
PLA Yes No No No
PHA Yes Yes Yes Yes
PBS/PBSA Yes Yes Yes No
PBAT/PCL Yes Yes Yes No
Cellulosic Some references Some references Some references Some references
Starch based Yes Yes Yes Some references

Source: Presentation of NaturePlast during the Polyvia Materials Purchasing Day, organized in October 2021.


    New biopolymers resulting from R&D efforts

These materials are recent on an industrial scale, and the emergence of new formulations in the market requires sustained R&D efforts.

Among these new materials, we find natural polymers based on proteins, cellulose, algae, as well as biocomposites made of bioplastic resin and plant fibers.


Biopolymers exclusively bio-based

Caution: not all bio-based polymers are biodegradable!

This is the case for bioPE and bioPP, which are bio-based equivalents to PE and PP plastics. They have the same properties as conventional PE and PP, are potentially recyclable, and are also easy to process using traditional methods.

The only difference: they are derived from sugarcane, molasses, or vegetable oils rather than petroleum.


Bio-based, biodegradable or recyclable: which direction to take?


Use of bio-sourced materials, biodegradable substances, incorporation of recycled materials (MPR): industries cannot overlook these circular economy practices.

What material to choose as a substitute for traditional petroleum-based plastics?

What strategy to adopt when, for the same process, in the same market, several solutions are possible?

Let’s take the example of a food paper packaging

For this application, two major market transformers have chosen to position themselves on two very different solutions:

  • On one hand, a 100% natural and recyclable solution;
  • On the other hand, a 100% bio-based solution, not necessarily recyclable. The selection of materials thus largely depends on choices. These choices are motivated by both the company’s long-term vision, its environmental policy, and by techno-economic criteria!


    The chosen solutions also depend on geographic regions

The trends in selection between bio-based, biodegradable, and recyclable materials vary significantly depending on countries and local political choices.

It is known that European regulations tend to favor recycling.

This is not the case in the United States, as the country lags behind in available infrastructure. American regulations therefore strongly encourage the use of biodegradable materials, as the country has ample land available for composting facilities.

Regarding available materials, there are also significant disparities. For example, some grades of PHA for films are only available in Japan, while Europe mainly has access to grades for injection molding.

However, these trends are likely to evolve, as the bioplastics market is still young.


Examples of companies that innovate and turn to bio-based materials

LEGO is switching from recyclable materials to bio-based ones!

This was big news in 2023. After 2 years of testing and experimenting with over 250 material variations, the world’s leading toy manufacturer, Danish company LEGO, has decided to abandon its mass production project of bricks made from recycled PET.

This decision is all the more surprising considering that the process had just been approved by the FDA and EFSA! So, what are the reasons behind this abandonment? LEGO simply adhered to environmental reality: after conducting a life cycle assessment (LCA), it appears that with current processes, carbon emissions would be higher when switching to rPET.

Instead of rPET, LEGO decides to focus on reuse, brick refurbishment, and also the use of bio-based plastics! Since 2018, a production line using bio-based PE has been in operation, and LEGO is also turning to PLA.


Coca-Cola is offering bottles made 100% from plant-based sources

In 2009, Coca-Cola introduced its “PlantBottle” a PET bottle partially bio-based, as it was made from bioMEG derived from sugarcane and petro-sourced terephthalic acid (PTA).

Since 2009, the group has continued to innovate, with technologies evolving significantly. The new prototypes produced in 2021 are now 100% plant-based. Firstly, the PTA used is manufactured from bio-based paraxylene (bPX), using a green chemistry process owned by the company Virent.

Secondly, Coca-Cola has partnered with the Chinese company Changchun Meihe Science & Technology to produce bioMEG from raw materials sourced from sawmills and by-products of the wood industry.

Lastly, the group is clearly committed to developing a supply chain, as Coca-Cola has authorized companies like Heinz to use the technology behind this new type of bottle.


Do you want to boost the biodegradability of your plastic products?


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Bio-based and biodegradable packaging for a petroleum-free world

In the face of environmental challenges, we urgently need to move away from our dependence on fossil fuels, particularly petroleum. Fortunately, the packaging industry now has a range of alternative bio-based and biodegradable solutions.


Bio-based food packaging 

    Bio-based plastic: definition

    According to the NF EN 16575 standard, a bio-based product is:

  • Wholly or partly derived from biomass
  • Of animal or plant origin
  • Mainly derived from agricultural or forestry co-products


What are some potential solutions for switching to petroleum-free packaging?


  • Recyclable paper and cardboard

Paper/cardboard is made from cellulose. This material is therefore the main example of bio-based packaging and has the advantage of being highly recyclable. There has also been an increase in its use since the use of plastic secondary packaging for fruit and vegetables was banned in January 2022.

Examples: Greaseproof paper and cardboard for takeaway food, biscuit and chocolate packaging, etc.


  • PLA

Polylactic acid, or PLA, is a polyester-type biopolymer of plant origin produced via the lactic fermentation of a sugar.

This sugar is generally corn starch, but it can also be extracted from sugar cane, wheat or beetroot.

It is currently the best-known and most widely used bio-based plastic.

Examples: Thermoformed PLA trays for packaging foods with a short shelf life. PLA yoghurt cups.


  • Other bio-based materials and innovations

There are other bio-based plastics, some of which are also biodegradable: these include PHAs and PBS.

Innovation also plays an important role in the search for new bio-based polymers, as any material derived from biomass can be used: microalgae, lignin, tannins, fatty acids, milk proteins, etc.


The advantages of bio-based solutions


  • Reducing our dependence on petroleum

Petroleum-based polymers consume 44 million tonnes of petroleum every year in Europe alone!



Unlike fossil fuels, the use of biomass was an integral part of a sustainable world – a world from which we departed!

Source: The conversation 


Extending the use of bio-based materials would therefore avoid the need to use petroleum and would provide the possibility of a plastics economy that would be less dependent on petroleum prices, while at the same time reducing the resource’s payback period.


  • Using renewable resources

Bio-based materials are renewable, meaning that they can be regenerated for new uses on a human time scale. Of course, to be virtuous, the exploitation of bio-based resources must be sustainable and rational and must not lead to deforestation.


The recent “ReShaping Plastics” study has shaken up the plastics industry, showing that the measures taken to recycle and reduce the use of certain single-use plastics will not achieve the targets set.

In addition to recycling and reuse, the use of bio-based materials as a substitute for petroleum-based materials is an obvious solution, particularly for packaging.



Evidence of the toxicity of microplastics

Scientific evidence of the toxicity of microplastics is beginning to emerge. Some studies suggest, among other things, that:

  • polystyrenemicroplastics reduce the viability of cells, move around the body, modify the behaviour of mice, and change immune markers in the liver and brain after short-term exposure
  • plastic particles “tend to elicit multiple reproductive consequences in a variety of organisms, leading to the decline of female fertility and the developmental anomalies of offspring”
  • exposure to microplastics may be linked to certain cancers. If you would like to find out more, please refer to the following sources:


Biodegradable food packaging

What plastics are biodegradable?


  • PHAs (Polyhydroxyalkanoates)

PHAs are biodegradable and are obtained via the bacterial fermentation of sugars (generally starch) or lipids, i.e. vegetable oils such as rapeseed oil.

Example: Cosmetics manufacturer RIMAN is looking to replace its ABS caps with a PLA-PHA blend1.


  • PBS (Polybutylene succinate)

This aliphatic polyester has properties similar to those of polyolefins. At present, 35% of it comes from renewable resources, and it has the advantage of being biodegradable under industrial composting conditions.

Examples: Single-use coffee capsules, food trays, compostable bags


  • Biodegradable PLA

As well as being bio-based, PLA also has the advantage of being biodegradable, because it can be composted at high temperatures, i.e. in an industrial environment. Although not all PLA can be composted.


  • Innovation in biodegradable polymers

The search for new biodegradable, bio-based and sustainable solutions is mobilising researchers around the world. Here are a few innovations:

  • Bioplastics made from microalgae and green algae collected on beaches2
  • Edible polymers containing casein and other proteins
  • Biodegradable lignocellulose-based polymers


The advantages of biodegradable solutions

  • Compostability

The biodegradability of these polymers means they could potentially be compatible with industrial or domestic composting.

If these polymers are both bio-based and biodegradable, this return to nature becomes part of a virtuous circle, contributing in particular to the re-carbonisation of soils worn down by intensive agriculture3. In this way, the carbon cycle is neither slowed down nor blocked.


  • Reducing pollution

Water4 contamination by nano-, micro- and macroplastics is reaching critical levels. The use of polymers that are truly biodegradable in water appears to be necessary for many applications, particularly fishing.


Widespread adoption of bioplastics and biopolymers: what challenges are we facing?

A European legal framework is urgently needed


The European Commission considers that a legal framework needs to be established to specify the extent to which these bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics can be part of a sustainable future.
As far as composting is concerned, ANSES recommends banning compostable plastics from domestic composting, in the absence of sufficient standardisation.

ANSES is therefore proposing the introduction of a single, mandatory standard for products made from plastics claiming to be biodegradable or compostable.


A need to “educate” consumers


The growing use of biodegradable plastics is currently the subject of debate, not least because of the risk of confusion on the part of consumers. They could be encouraged to dispose of their biodegradable waste in the environment, which is clearly undesirable.

That being said, recycling cannot be seen as the only solution, as some waste that is “lost” in nature will never be recovered for recycling. For these specific applications5, the use of biodegradable polymers is much more realistic!


What does the future hold for sustainable food packaging?


A clearly defined regulatory and normative framework is still lacking, which is holding back the adoption of sustainable packaging solutions.
Nevertheless, although bioplastics only account for a small proportion of packaging, their use is set to increase sharply in the coming years, particularly with the separate collection of bio-waste becoming mandatory from 2024. In Italy, where separate collection has already been in place since 2022, the collection of compostable bioplastics is presented as a model of Italian excellence6.
PLA, PHA and PBS are currently the best-known bio-based and biodegradable polymers. Thanks to innovation, ever more effective solutions are emerging, suggesting that petroleum will no longer be used in the food packaging sector in the not too distant future.
With its 100% bio-based and 100% biodegradable solution, made from milk proteins, Lactips wants to contribute to this objective!


Do you want to boost the biodegradability of your plastic products?


Download our white paper!





4 and air, clouds, mountains, soil, etc.

5 Golf tees, horticultural and agricultural equipment, etc


[WHITE PAPER] Boosting the Biodegradability of Plastic Products is Possible!

Plastic materials vary in terms of properties, functions, origin, and the nature of their end of life. Petro-sourced polymers impose a significant dependence on fossil fuel whereas bio-based plastics provide a renewable alternative. However, it is essential to note that not all bio-based plastics are automatically biodegradable, and vice versa.


The challenges of reducing dependency on fossil fuel and using renewable materials are crucial.


Through this white paper, Lactips aims to address themes related to the origin and end of life of plastic materials, while offering an innovative alternative solution. This represents a major advancement in the field of plastics, allowing for an increase in the proportion of bio-based and/or biodegradable content in a polymer. The use of CareTips® in blends with biopolyesters provides flexibility in material transformation, while contributing to a reduction in its environmental impact. These blends are intended for the plastics industry, offering a sustainable alternative to conventional plastics in alignment with corporate social responsibility goals.


This approach creates a virtuous cycle, preserving resources and promoting carbon circularity. The innovations presented in this white paper will facilitate your transition to more sustainable and environmentally friendly plastics.


Lactips’ innovation and creativity recognized by WIPO

Lactips, the French company specialized in the production of 100% biosourced, water-soluble, and biodegradable polymer, is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a prize by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

WIPO, a global forum for policy, services, information, and cooperation in the field of intellectual property, annually organizes an awards ceremony honoring small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that cleverly use intellectual property rights to achieve their business objectives while leveraging their innovation and creativity for the benefit of society.


“We are thrilled to receive this award, which once again demonstrates the unique and disruptive nature of Lactips, its solutions, and its applications.

Alexis von Tschammer, CEO

In the Environmental category, Lactips is one of the 7 awardees companies selected from 548 submissions amongst 58 different countries. Lactips is the only French company to receive this recognition.



According to WIPO :

« Lactips leverages its IP portfolio that includes seven patent families with European and worldwide extensions, to market its innovative natural protein-based polymers. Their plastic-free plastic technology is 100% bio-based, fully biodegradable, and water-soluble without leaving micro particles. With product patent filings and application patents in strategic areas, Lactips protects its formulations and demonstrates the pioneering nature of its materials and targeted applications. The IP strategy ensures avoidance of potential blocking by major marketers and world-class chemists, while trademarks further contribute to a coherent IP strategy. »

Lactips is assisted in intellectual property matters by the law firm Plasseraud IP, Lyon office. (Contact: Raphaël Fleurance).


About Lactips

Lactips is a leader in the world of natural polymers that develops, produces and sells plastic-free, 100% biobased plastic that is water-soluble and completely biodegradable in all environments. The unique properties of Lactips products make them an ideal response to environmental challenges in the packaging and labelling markets, as well as for all products related to agriculture and outdoor sports.

The company was founded in 2014 on the basis of research work carried out by Frédéric Prochazka, PhD, a research professor at Université de Saint-Etienne (UMR CNRS 5223). Lactips made a major transition to an industrial company in 2022 by opening its first production unit and welcoming Alexis von Tschammer as CEO and Bertrand Dupeyroux as Director of Sales & Marketing. Lactips now has 50 employees and a highly experienced management team.

Lactips announces a new addition to its Executive Committee

Lactips – a French company specialised in producing 100% biobased natural polymers that are water-soluble and biodegradable in various environments – is pleased to announce the appointment of Pauline Defay, QSE Manager, to its Executive Committee.

Pauline Defay, who oversees Quality, Safety and Environment (QSE), has joined the Lactips Executive Committee, which now comprises seven people. The industrial SME wants to put quality, safety and the environment at the centre of its strategy during its growth phase.


At Lactips, environmental issues are one of our foundations. We attach great importance to the quality and safety of our processes, technologies and products for all our stakeholders. Pauline’s arrival on the Executive Committee signals our desire to focus on these three vectors of sustainable performance, as a true guarantee of trust and reliability.” – Alexis von Tschammer, CEO


Pauline Defay has a degree in agronomy from AgroParisTech and put her multidisciplinary scientific vision to work at Eurofins as head of industrial and quality projects for seven years before taking up the position of Quality Manager at Tigex. This quest for quality is Pauline’s philosophy: she believes that QSE (Quality, Safety, Environment) management systems are key for companies’ long-term viability and competitiveness. As a result, Pauline joined Lactips in 2018, where she works to integrate and coordinate everyone’s needs for shared success, firstly by guaranteeing product quality, but also more broadly by instilling a cross-functional vision and facilitating the company’s operations and workflows.



About Lactips

Lactips is a leader in the world of natural polymers that develops, produces and sells plastic-free, 100% biobased plastic that is water-soluble and completely biodegradable in all environments. The unique properties of Lactips products make them an ideal response to environmental challenges in the packaging and labelling markets, as well as for all products related to agriculture and outdoor sports.

The company was founded in 2014 on the basis of research work carried out by Frédéric Prochazka, PhD, a research professor at Université de Saint-Etienne (UMR CNRS 5223). Lactips made a major transition to an industrial company in 2022 by opening its first production unit and welcoming Alexis von Tschammer as CEO and Bertrand Dupeyroux as Director of Sales & Marketing. Lactips now has 50 employees and a highly experienced management team.
